Thursday, February 14, 2013

V-Day. Yeah.

Valentines Day.
Pink, red, hearts, chocolates, teddy bears, love, bright red lipstick, kisses, XOXO, candy, valentines - oh ya know, just the usual.
Here is some fabulous Valentine wisdom from some youngins. Hehe.

"Where do your parents go on dates?"
(: Cracks me up.

Anyways, this year, I actually realized that Valentines Day is kinda like another Thanksgiving.
Confused? Let me explain.
This year, I actually thought about the people, and the blessings in my life, and what I really love.
Everyone was either depressed that they didn't have somebody to share valentines day with, or angry and blowing off the holiday all together.
Because really, some people in high school take love a little too seriously. Ok, a lotta too seriously.
And then there's me. Who should probably just change my facebook status to say something like "Sweatpants, Oreos and Netflix".

To be honest? I was going to blow off the holiday entirely... until I got a small white bear holding a red "Love" heart. And it literally made my day.

Then throughout the day, I started to realize that Valentine's Day isn't about kissing, and candy.
Oh no. It's about realizing that life is great, worth living, and that there's so much to love!!
And hey. There are some perks to being single on Valentines day...
I mean hey. Sweatpants, Netflix, Oreos!? I'm all set folks!
Ok. Now that I'm done preachin', I have something to admit.
I believe that Valentine's Day is hilarious. Unless you are an adorable old couple.
But other than that, I honestly think that Valentine's day is kinda really amusing....
Especially the funny Valentines. And pictures. And facebook statuses. And - well, you get the picture.
So look at this gem that I found.

I mean really, who doesn't love grumpy cat!?

But remember friends, lets try not to look like this today.
People will think we are sad and pathetic.... so please just embrace the holiday. For your sake, and mine. Really.
Anyways, just know that I love you guys and I hope you have a fantabulous Valentines day.
No matter how you spend it. (: