Monday, December 24, 2012

Less than an hour left.

There are exactly 38 minutes and 17 seconds left until it is officially Christmas.
Oh. My. Heavens. Yes.

And it looks like it will be a white Christmas after all! WOOHOO!!

I admit it. My little sister and I did get the majority of everything ready for Christmas.
And that's when we realized that we didn't have any cookies for Santa.
Um, no bueno.
So what did we do?
Yup. We grabbed the first thing we could find.
Christmas M&Ms.
And I think it worked quite nicely, if you ask me. (:

And Gracie (who is being very considerate of all the animals this season) also told me that we needed something for his reindeer. So we found some carrots in the fridge.
Ha. Perfect.

So yes. Once Santa was all situated and ready to go...

...Gracie made sure that all of our stockings were hung by the chimney. With care.

(Yes my fellow pinners. My mom sewed every one of those stockings. Personally, my favorite is the little carolers, but overall, they are all pretty adorable. But really.)

So we are ready to go here at the Hill residence.
The only thing I regret this year is the fact that we didn't do Christmas cards.
Some people think that Christmas cards are kinda overrated and not really needed for the holidays.
But not this girl. I love Christmas cards.
From funny, to cute, to personal, to beautiful, Christmas cards always hit that spot when it comes to family and friends.
Ya know, personally I prefer humorous cards. But that's just me.

I'll be back to report tomorrow, but don't forget that Christmas is litterally less than 1 DAY away!!
And we all know what that means! (:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

2. Days. Left.

And I am so flippin' excited.
But it's not because of the presents. Oh heavens no.

I love the sound of  my little siblings feet pounding down the stairs in the morning. (at 6 am, no less)
I love the way my sister's face lights up when she looks into her stocking full of surprises.
I love how my brother shows my dad his new lego set, and then opens it that second to build it together.
I love knowing that my mom cares about us enough to make us a homemade breakfast.
I love dancing around with my little sister to the Christmas tunes on the radio.
But most of all, I love my family.
Christmas is a time of year when I come to appreciate my family more than I can ever let them know.
My family sticks through my mood swings, my random bursts of singing, and my crazy Pinterest attempts.
They love me for my random personality, and don't expect me to be somebody I'm not.
And yes. I just had to take a picture of my little bro's classy tie that he wore today.

I know, he's a cutie.

My family brings so much joy into my life. And I love it.

Ok. Story time.
So I'm walking through Target yesterday, doing some Christmas shopping, when a little girl comes in with her mom.  She is absolutely adorable, about 3 or 4 years old, blonde pigtails, and a pink Christmas sweater.  But the best part about her was that she would smile and say "Merry Christmas" to each person she passed.  As she passes an old man she says, "Merry Christmas!" and smiles wide. And the old man's face just lights up, he stands a little taller, and true joy spreads across his face.
This made my entire day.
Because that girl knew that Christmas spirit isn't about the presents, Santa Claus, or any material gifts.
She knew that Christmas spirit comes from loving others, and seeing joy light up their faces.
And it shows that even the smallest act of love and service can make, and change somebody's entire day.
And that is what I think true Christmas spirit is - joy.
This is why I love Christmas.
People are looking for ways to help lift somebody up, or help them to feel as happy and joyful as they are.
I wish this would happen year round, because the Christmas spirit is so infectious. Seriously.

Anyways, I just want to challenge each of you to follow this little girl's example, and go out of your way this season to help bring some joy into somebody else's life.

And guess what. Only 2 days until Christmas.
Can't wait.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

3 days. Nailed it.

No really. I literally nailed it.

I am definitely not a nail pro (at all),
but thanks to pinterest, I can feel even the slightest bit crafty and talented.
(Here's the How-To Link for all you crafty kids out there)
This is why I love Pinterest.  Because it gives you new ways to try things, different inspirations, outfit ideas, and the occasional belly laugh.

For instance, I found this beaut in my feed and it went along so well with this post that it kinda scares me. But hey, that's life. Full of funky coincidences and hilarious mistakes.

Pinterest. Hits the spot every time.

Anyways, back to the point.
Another great thing about today? It is officially Christmas Break!!!
I mean really, who doesn't love Christmas, and missing school all at the same time??

And don't worry, it gets better.
Only 3 days left.

Friday, December 21, 2012

4 days left.

Only 4 days left until Christmas.
And I really need to go Christmas shopping..... oh dear.

Anyways, what's another thing I love about Christmas?
the sweaters.
Christmas, ugly, tacky, homemade - they are so boss. But really.

Theres furry...


...and super-duper festive.

Then there's the ugly sweater (with a cat no less)...
... the Christmas sweater...

... or both mixed together.

But really. Please see all of it's glory.
It's a doozy. And I love it. (:

I just really love Ugly Sweater Day.

And what's another plus about today?
We didn't die! Woohoo!!
And the fact that there are only 4 days until Christmas.
That makes everything even better!
So enjoy your Friday peeps. Cause Christma is gonna be good.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 Days. Gotta love choir.

Yes my friends, this week I went to two Christmas choir concerts.
Woot Woot!

This one was for my little sister, who is my baby, and kinda my best friend, in a way. Ha.

Yup. She is right in the middle.

Rockin' my red ray bans, no less.

Oh how I love choir concerts. But whats the best about elementary choir concerts?
The kids.
They are hilarious.
For instance, on this particular night of the choir concert, we caught one girl picking her wedgie, two boys talking throughout most of the songs, a girl bowing after each number, and another girl run off of the stage to go to the bathroom.

Yes, this was a very entertaining, eventful concert.
Have a wonderful Friday friends.
And guess what? 5 days.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Countdown to Christmas. 6 Days.

6 days. 6 days. 6 DAYS!!!
I am so-ultra-super-duper-stinkin' excited for Christmas!!

And in honor of good old Christmas spirit, I am doing a cute little blogging Christmas Countdown.

Ok, Day 1.  I love high school choir concerts.
They are absolutely fabulous.
My older sister and SO many other friends were in the choir concert put on at the high school tonight, and they did such an amazing job!

Choir concerts help bring the Christmas spirit into our hearts in a way that music on the radio just can't.  When we watch our talented loved ones perform Christmas songs and carols, it just fills your heart with pure joy.

The Braves did an amazing job at their concert tonight, and I am so glad that I'm taking choir next semester (woot woot!) So don't forget to follow their example, and sing your heart out. Mmm-hmm.
At school, to your mom, on the phone - just belt it.

Have a fantabulous Wednesday, go finish your homework, and don't forget,
6 days!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Let it Snow. Please.

Christmas decorations? Check.
Christmas music quietly playing in the kitchen? Check.
The tree is all decorated? Check.
Snow?..... uh, cue the snow!
Oh wait. There is no snow.
And yes, I am now officially ready for some snow.
So to get the the "snowy vibe" goin on with Mother Nature, we made some snowflakes.

And yes ladies and gentleman, this is a 100% homemade, Star Wars stormtrooper snowflake.
Can I get a what what!?

 Another way to get that snowy vibe is to find your signature mug, get some hot cocoa, and fill it to the brim with whipped cream. yup.
Now some of you may be laughing, but guess what?
After a week, it worked just grand. Ha. (:

And now everything is covered in white.
This girl now has hope for Christmas.